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Perusal Tech Pvt Ltd
  • 02 Aug, 2021

As discussed in the previous blog 'Remarketing', that Retargeting & Remarketing, both the terms are used in the same sense. The only notable difference is that Google AdWords uses the term 'Remarketing' whereas Facebook Ads uses the term 'Retargeting'. In this article, we are going to see how to set up Retargeting on Facebook. To understand that we first need to look at how to set up Facebook Ads and Facebook Pixel. Let's dive in.






STEP 1: The first thing we need to do before we can go ahead and create a Facebook Ad for our small business is a Facebook Business Page. Now, if you haven't already created a Facebook Business Page then all you need to do is come up to create and come down and click the page and create your Facebook Business Page.




STEP 2: Once you've created your Facebook Business Page, then you need to create a Business Manager and to create a Business Manager you just need to head over to business.facebook.com and here what you can do is create an account.


Now, I’ll leave this to you because it's quite a straightforward process. It can take a bit of time but its step by step and Facebook will guide you through that process. So go ahead and click create an account, fill out all that information and then we'll meet you at the Facebook Business Managers Page.


STEP 3: So, now that you've created a Business Manager, you've logged into your Facebook account, you should now see your Business Manager that you've just created. Now what we need to do is create an Ad Account for that Business Manager.


That's essentially the step-by-step process: you need a Business Page, then you need a Business Manager and then you also need to create an Ads Account and then following this we can go ahead and create a Facebook Ad.


STEP 4: As you can see in front of us we've got multiple Business Managers. We're going to come down and click the new one that we've just recently created. Now what you'll notice within your Business Manager is we have our Business Page, so we've connected this to our Business Manager. Then, what you'll notice are no ad accounts. So, we don't have any ad accounts as part of this Business Manager. We need to go ahead and create an ad account.




STEP 5: We're going to come down within our Business Manager and click business settings. Then, we're going to navigate over to where it says add and come down and click create a new Ad Account. Then we're going to come up and click add account name and we're going to add 'The Trendy Kiwi'. This is going to be the same as our Business Manager because this is the account that's going to manage ads for The Trendy Kiwi, which is our business page.


STEP 6: Then, all you need to do is make sure that your time zone and currency is correct and then come down and click next. You just need to navigate down where it says this ad account will be used for and I’m going to select 'My Business' because we want to use this for our small business called The Trendy Kiwi.


STEP 7: Then, click create and what you can do is add people and set permissions. Think about people within your organization, within your small business, that you want to help you essentially manage your Facebook ads account.


STEP 8: For this tutorial, we're going to go ahead and create and manage our ads. So, we're going to select our profile and then we're going to come down and select admin access and select on. We have complete access to managing this Facebook account and then what we want to do is come down and click assign. So, again you can come up and add people that are part of your network that you want to manage this Facebook Ads account with you.


STEP 9: Again for this tutorial we're just going to manage this ad account ourselves. So, come down and click assign and congratulations you have completed the initial step of actually creating an ads account and connecting that to your Business Manager's account.


STEP 10: We're going to go ahead and click close and here we are still in our Business Manager. Now, what we want to do is head over to our Ads Manager and start creating our Ads. To do that just navigate over to business tools and then come down and select Ads Manager and just like that we've completed the first step.




STEP 11: Come over here and click on create and here we are on the campaign. We've got three different levels that make up your Facebook Ad: Campaign, Adset and Ad. The Campaign Level is all about choosing your marketing objective.


Now we've got three main areas: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion. We're just going to talk about the main goals that people tend to choose because it's more impactful and effective and those are:


(1) TRAFFIC is all about driving people from Facebook to your website.


(2) ENGAGEMENT is all about engaging in your ad. So, it could be likes, shares and comments on that particular ad that you have created.


(3) VIDEO VIEWS are driving people to watch a particular video that you've created for your small business.


(4) CONVERSION is great for essentially driving sales. If you sell products online, then you can send people to your website, to essentially convert, to buy a product from your website. So, this is great for E-commerce websites.


But because again this is for small businesses, we want to focus on driving traffic to our website and the engagement within our post. So with that said you can click Brand Awareness, Engagement, Traffic or Conversions.


STEP 12: For this tutorial, we're just going to select traffic because it's more relevant to small businesses. Once you've selected traffic, come down and name your campaign and we're going to name this campaign 'First Facebook Ad Driving Traffic'.


STEP 13: So, once you've named your campaign, come down where it says Campaign Budget Optimization. You want to come across and turn it on. The reason we're doing this is that we're creating one campaign and we want the budget to be evenly spread throughout the campaign.


STEP 14: Within your campaign, you could have multiple Ad Sets and you can also have multiple Ads and this is all about Testing. For example, we could have one campaign, two Ad Sets and within each Ad Set we can have three campaigns. We're going to identify which ad copy or watch ad itself is going to be most effective within this campaign, so we want to evenly spread the budget throughout our Ad Set and our Ads themselves.


STEP 15: You can click Daily Budget or you can do Lifetime Budget. So I’m going to select Daily Budget and then our Daily Budget to get started with is five dollars a day. Now, we recommend five to ten dollars per day if you're getting started with Facebook Ads. And if you notice that you're getting more leads, calls and sales, then you can increase this daily budget. Once you're happy with your figure, your campaign budget, how much you want to spend daily, then click Set-up Ad Account and make sure it's all correct and then click continue.




Here, you'll arrive on the Ad Set Level. So, remember we've finished our campaign, now, we're on the Ad Set Level. The Ad Set Level is all about Targeting, who is the audience that you want to target on Facebook. We're going to show you exactly how to do that.


STEP 16: The first thing we want to do within the Ad Set Level is named our Ad Set and we're going to call this 'Bay of Plenty Audience' because we're a small business and we want to target a specific location. You can name this whatever you like, it could be in relevance to your audience that you want to target or you can change it later on.


STEP 17: Again come down and we want to focus on Traffic to our website. You can select Dynamic Creative. So, we can turn this on, if we like. Dynamic Creative takes all the heavy lifting out of creating a Facebook Ad. What you're going to do is when we get down to ad level, we can add images, headlines and multiple descriptions. And what Facebook is going to do is automatically generate different variations of your ad to your audience and it's going to best deliver those variations that your audience responds to. It's essentially a way to allow Facebook to optimize the delivery of your ads.


STEP 18: Click continue and then navigate down to audiences. This is where we want to define who our audience is and who we want our ads to deliver to on Facebook. So, come down to location and click edit and you want to target your specific location. You can add regions, cities, towns, target any location you like through Facebook.


STEP 19: Once you've done that, navigate down where it says age, come down and click edit. Here you can play around with the age.


STEP 20: Then come down to gender. Again you can target all genders or just male or female. Then for detailed targeting, I'm going to select edit and here you want to think about the demographics, interests and behaviour of your audience. You might know your audience quite well, so add their behaviour, interest and demographic.


STEP 21: Now once you've selected some interest or behaviours or demographics, then you can come down and select Exclude People or Narrow. Excluding is excluding people that have a particular interest in something that isn't relevant to your audience and you can also come across to the narrow audience and the narrow audience is they have to be interested in something. Take the time to think about your exact audience and then just play around with those different interests.


STEP 22: Now, what you can also do is create multiple Ad Sets with different interests and that way you can find out which Ad Set is going to work best for your audience. Come down and click save this audience and I’m going to call this 'Bay of Cleaning Audience' again and then come down and click save. So, now I have saved this audience for future use, so if I want to use this audience again, for example, if I realize that this is a very high performing audience then I can use them in other ads.


STEP 23: Then come down to Placements and this is all about showing your ads in the right places like, on different devices, platforms, channels, etc. You could come down and select Automatic Placements or Manual Placements. Manual Placements just essentially allows you to select the exact placements that you want to deliver your ads to. I recommend getting started with Automatic Placements because this is the first time you're creating a Facebook Ad and then when you realise which Placements work best for your Ad, you can see that within the data after you've launched your Ad, then you can go ahead and create a new Audience and create a new Placement.


STEP 24: Once you've done that, we're going to go ahead and select recommended. Then, come down to optimization and spending controls. So, again optimization for a delivery link clicks. Again you could go Impressions, but for this tutorial we just want to focus on link clicks, we want to measure how many people are clicking through to our website from our Facebook Ad.


STEP 25: Then, you can come down and add a Schedule. For example, run my ad set continuously starting today and then you can put that on pause whenever you like. However, I recommend coming down to set a start and end date. Add a start and an end date. Remember we're spending five dollars a day for eight days. Now, you can make this a longer period if you like or you can make it shorter but I’m happy with five dollars a day for one week so you can edit that based on your particular Schedule.


STEP 26: Just quickly before we continue to the Ad Level, you can see your audience size. So, again when you're selecting the different interests, what that's going to do is show you how specific or how broad your audience selection is. So, play around with your audience and identify how big your audience is ideally. You want to be in the middle here between Specific and Broad, especially just getting started with Facebook Ads. Once you're happy with your Ad Set, you've edited all your information, then come down and select continue.




Now, here we are on the final part of creating your Facebook Ad and that is the Ad Level. This is where we create the copy, add an image or a video and we actually create what the Ad looks like. So, we've already created a Campaign and our Ad Set. We've already created the audience that we want to target with this Facebook Ad and now we're creating the Ad itself.


STEP 27: The first thing we want to do is name our Ad. For this Ad, we're going to call it 50% off Sale Ads. Then come down to identity and here what you want to do is make sure that your Facebook Business Page is connected here and then your Instagram account. If you have a Business Instagram Account, make sure that's connected to your Facebook Business Page.


STEP 28: Then, navigate down to format, which is where you want to upload an image, a video or a slideshow with multiple images. So, this is the creative of your Ad or your Ad is going to look like the image, video or slideshow.




Now I’m just going to guess that you probably don't have an Ad that you want to upload in the form of an image, video or slideshow because this is a beginner's tutorial, so you probably want to know how you can create this content. Well! I’ll tell you.




Head over to canva.com. Canva essentially allows you to create any designs within minutes so for this tutorial, we want to create a Facebook Ad. Type in Facebook Ad and that's going to bring up a suggested template. Then, it will allow you to choose different templates to work off and edit the way that you like.




Invideo is a great tool that allows you to create video content with complete ease. So, if you want to upload video content, you can head over to Invideo.io, it's similar to Canva. You can simply create videos within minutes. There are templates that you can use and then you can customize the way that you like.


STEP 29: Once you've created a photo using Canva or a video using Invideo, then head back to Facebook Ads and upload your video or image.


STEP 30: Now, I’m going to go ahead and upload an image by coming down at Facebook. So, click add media and then add image or video. Click upload. You can add multiple images here and can select up to 10 images.


STEP 31: Once you've done that, come down and select continue. Now, remember we selected Dynamic Creative. What you should be doing is uploading between one to ten images. If you picked Dynamic Creative, you turn that on and what Facebook is going to do is it's going to automatically generate multiple Ad variations and deliver the ones that best perform to your audience. Add at least 10 images here and Facebook will do all the heavy lifting and deliver the right ones to your audience.


STEP 32: Once you've added 10 images, and add text copy. So, here you want to add a primary text, a headline description and then your website URL.


STEP 33: Next is to add Call-To-Action and then the description and then make sure that you add multiple options for each of the Primary Text Headline and Description.


STEP 34: Then, you can add multiple descriptions to each of the fields and that's going to give Facebook enough data and enough content for them to essentially create variations of your different Primary Text Headline and Description and this is all going to change and shuffle around based on what Facebook believes will respond best with your audience.


So, add multiple variations of text over here and then add multiple variations of your image and remember this is all about using Dynamic Creative, if you decide to turn that off then you can just choose one image or one video and you can just select one Primary Text Headline and Description. However this saves you time when it comes to Testing because otherwise you'd have to create multiple versions of this Ad itself.


Remember you can create multiple ads within the same campaign just to test to see which ad performs the best in terms of the written text, creative copy and your call-to-action. So, Dynamic Creative just essentially allows you to stand back and let Facebook do all the heavy lifting and optimize your ads and push the ads that are going to perform the best with your audience.


STEP 35: Once you've done that, add your website URL and then when someone clicks on the button, it’s going to take them to your website.


STEP 36: Then, add your call-to-action. Here, you want to add variations of your call-to-action and again Facebook is going to take all the different variations and put them together and deliver the best variations to your audience. Once you've done that, come down and when you're happy with your Ad, click confirm and congratulations just like that you've created and launched your first Facebook Ad.




STEP 37: Once you've created your ad, you'll come back to your Ads Manager Dashboard. This is where you can manage your Ads. For example, you could click on the particular Facebook Ad that you just created and then you can check the results like, the impressions, the amount spent, when it ends, your Ad, etc.


You can come over to your Ad Set. You can essentially look at the Analytics and see how your Ads are performing. It's quite straightforward, it does take time to look at the Analytics and see what works and see how much you're spending and see which one of your ads are performing the best, but, that is how you can get started with Facebook Ads and create and launch your first Facebook Ad.






STEP 1: First things first, before we can set up and add our Facebook Pixel to our Shopify store, we need to head over to our Business Manager. If you don't already have a Business Manager just head over to business.facebook.com and that's going to take you to the Business Manager page. Now, click 'Go to business settings'.




STEP 2: The next step is to create and add an Ads Manager Account. Click add and click create a new Ad Account. Then, add your Business Name. For this tutorial, we're going to use a business called Stuart's Sauce.


STEP 3: Then, select your time zone and currency. Click next and select 'My Business' and click create. Add people and set permissions. And congratulations you have just created your Ads Manager and that is now connected to your Business Manager.




STEP 4: Click close and then we're going to navigate down to Data Sources and then we're going to come down and click Pixels. Then, click add Pixel. Now, we want to name our Pixel, so ideally you want to name it the same as our business. So, we're going to type in Stuart's Sauce.


STEP 5: Then, we want to come down and add our website URL. If we head over to our Shopify store and then on our Shopify backend, we want to look at our store and get the website URL. To do that we can come down to our online store and view it. Then, all we need to do is copy our website URL and then head back over to our Facebook Pixel Set-up and once we're back, all we need to do is paste our website URL and then click continue.


STEP 6: Then, select Set-up Pixel Now and because we're using Shopify we can add the code using a Partner Integration, meaning, we don't have to touch any code and this is great for beginners. So, click this option and then come down and click Shopify.


STEP 7: Then, we want to make sure that we've turned on Automatic Advanced Matching and then click continue and now that we're on the Paste Pixel I’d, all we need to do to install our Pixel, that is to copy the code and head back to our Shopify store and then in our Shopify backend.


STEP 8: All we need to do is head over to the online store and then come down to Preferences, under Preferences. All we need to do is navigate till we find Facebook Pixel and then we just need to copy that Pixel I’d and click save.


STEP 9: Once you've saved your settings, just navigate back over to the Facebook Pixel Installation and now that we've pasted this I’d into our Shopify store, we can come down and click continue.


STEP 10: Now, all we need to do is put in our website URL again just to test that the Pixel is working properly. So, once you've got your website URL again, just paste it down and send test traffic to see if your Pixel is working properly. What this is going to do is open up your new website and test that the traffic is working and test that the pixel is working correctly.


STEP 11: Then, all you need to do is head back to that Pixel Installation process and it should only take a few moments to show that your Pixel is active and when you see a little green active notification, click continue and congratulations you have just completed the initial set-up to adding and installing your Facebook Pixel on your Shopify store.




STEP 12: Now, what we want to do is Track Conversions. We need to set up some Events. To do that we're going to click close and then click Open Events Manager and just paste our website URL again and click open website.


STEP 13: Then, navigate back to that page we were just on and you can see that there was a page view. So, all this is now working. Now what we want to do is Track Conversions happening on our website. To do that, head over to Overview and remember this is with the Facebook Pixel, so we want the Pixel to send us information when someone has purchased something from our website.




STEP 14: To add a Purchasing Event on our website to track those conversions, click add event and then click 'On' from the Pixel. Now using this Event setup tool, which is a relatively new feature and one of the easiest options to use the Facebook Pixel to manage and track Events happening on your website. For example, a purchase on your website.


STEP 15: To get started, click Launch Event Set-up Tool. Then, add your website URL once again and click open website. Then, you'll notice on your website a little Facebook Event Set-up Tool.


STEP 16: Now, we want to focus on Events on particular pages. So, essentially what we can do is use all Events. We're going to focus on track new button because when a customer clicks a button, for example, buy now, that's going to notify the Facebook Pixel, that a customer has purchased a product and they have converted and that's exactly what we want to track.


STEP 17: Now, if I click the track new button, you will see a little notification, click on a highlighted button to set up your Event. For example, if I wanted to track add to cart, I could click the button and then I could come across and select add to cart and confirm. So, for example, now if someone clicks on the button, the add to cart tracking code will fire and the Facebook Pixel will notify me that someone has added a product to the cart.


STEP 18: But, what we want to focus on is the purchase. So, what we need to track the purchase is to head over to the purchase, the final page that the customer will land on before they purchase a product. We're going to click cancel and then come down here and click on the product that we have and then we're going to click more payment options and then we're going to quickly add our contact information and this is the page where we want to be because we want to track when a customer converts and to do that we want to track the Pay Now button. So, if a customer clicks Pay Now, they convert into a paying customer and that is what we want to track. So, that when someone does click on this button and they do convert, we can track that through the Facebook Pixel and we will be able to identify when a customer converts from Facebook.


STEP 19: To track conversions, all we want to do is click the Track New button and then click the Pay Now button and then select an Event. We're going to select Purchase Now because this is a beginner's tutorial, we're just going to choose a value on this page.


STEP 20: Select the total amount over here. We can change the currency if we like. Then, click confirm and as you can see that has been completed. The Purchase Event is live and being tracked.


So, congratulations we have now set up your Facebook Pixel and we are now tracking conversions that are happening on your Shopify Store and it's as simple as that to add your Pixel and track conversions. When you start advertising with Facebook, you can start tracking those purchases and conversions. You can track and manage your purchases versus how much you're spending per Ad to see if you're making a positive ROI.




Facebook allows you to advertise your products or services directly through to people on their platform and even better you can re-target those people on Facebook that have previously interacted with your website or Facebook ads.


Now let's take a look at how to retarget people or potential customers on Facebook that has recently visited your website and showed an interest in your products or services.




STEP 1: To arrive at your Facebook Ads Manager all you need to do is navigate over to your business tools under your ads account and then just click on ads manager and that's going to take you to the dashboard.




STEP 2: What we need to do before we can go ahead and create a retargeted Facebook Ad and target visitors that have recently been on our website is we need to install the 'Facebook Pixel'.




STEP 3: Navigate over to business tools and then come down to Events Manager and under Events Manager is where you should be able to find your Pixel if you've got it installed on your website.


A Facebook Pixel is a bit of code that's installed on your website and it tracks all the activity happening on your website. It tracks the people landing on specific pages, clicking specific buttons, purchasing, adding information, etc. Your Facebook Pixel gathers all the data from the people visiting your website and what you can do is re-target those people. But, you need to have the Facebook Pixel installed for you to create custom audiences and start Retargeting those people that have visited your website.




STEP 4: Create a retargeted audience and to do that we need to create a custom audience. Navigate over to business tools and then come down till you find audiences and go ahead and create an audience. Click Create Audience then come down and click Custom Audience. As you can see what we want to do is create an audience based on your website visitors from your Facebook Pixel.




STEP 5: Now, what we can do is actually target those visitors that have landed on our website in the past. So, to do that we're just going to click website and then come down and make sure that you have your Pixel selected. Make sure this is the Pixel that you want to use the data from to create a retargeted audience.


STEP 6: Once you have your pixel selected, come down to all website traffic and this is where Facebook gives you the option to target specific visitors. For example, it could be visitors on your website that activated the add to cart, they may be purchased from your website or maybe they viewed content or viewed a particular page.


STEP 7: Now, we want to actually target all website visitors. Select all website visitors. Choose over the past 30 days or you can expand this if you like. I recommend sticking to 30 days because this is a relevant number as this is going to target fresh visitors that have recently been on your website. There's no point going 90 days+ or 60 days+ because those people may forget about your brand or aren't interested in your products or services anymore.


STEP 8: Then come down to name your audience and here you just want to quickly name your audience. Here you want to make sure that your name is relevant to your audience, that way you're not going to get confused when you go ahead and create an ad and select this audience.


STEP 9: Then you can add a description if you like. Then, come down and click Create Audience and Congratulations just like that you have created your first Custom Audience. You can now re-target those that have visited your website in the last 30 days.


STEP 10: Now, it might take a few minutes for Facebook to essentially populate your audience and once that's done you can go ahead and target that audience. What you can do now is either come down and create an ad or you can click done and then navigate over to business tools and then come down to ads manager. Now to create an ad that targets the audience we just created, all we need to do is come down and click create now.


STEP 11: Now I’m going to show you where you can select your retargeted audience that you just created within the ads creation process. Click on traffic and then come down and click continue and then if you navigate up to ad set under the ad set level, is where you can select your custom audience. All you need to do is come down to the audience. When you get to audiences all you need to do is come down to custom audiences and select the custom audience.


And there we have it guys. That's it for today’s Retargeting Facebook Ads tutorial For beginners. This should help you get started with Retargeting visitors to your website. Check out our previous blog ‘Remarketing’, https://www.perusal.in/blogs/remarketing-/45 to have an in-depth knowledge of the topic.