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How To Increase Youtube Subscribers

 How To Increase Youtube Subscribers
Perusal Tech Pvt Ltd
  • 28 Jun, 2021



YouTube is the Social Media Platform that needs no introduction. Launched back in the year 2005, YouTube was a fresh breath of air for the people who were slowly becoming aware of the hype that surrounded the internet. Marketers, then began to realise the enormous potential that YouTube has to offer. YouTube still is maintaining its reputation by being the no. 1 Video Platform with millions of user base.


Here are some interesting facts about YouTube:


(1) YouTube has more than 2 billion users across the world. Audience could be shown your product and could turn from users to customers.


(2) 8/10 marketers consider YouTube to be one of the most effective platform to advertise their products and services.


(3) People watch 1 billion hours of YouTube a day.


(4) 62% of the businesses use YouTube to post content. This could be just videos on their product's tutorials, event announcements and much more.


(5) 70% of the YouTube watch time comes from mobile. This means that when you create an advertisement for YouTube, you keep the mobile users in your mind.


(6) 90% of the people say, they discover new products/brands on YouTube. Which means that by posting on YouTube, your brand awareness is highly likely to increase.




(1) BEHIND THE SCENE VIDEOS: These videos give you the opportunity to showcase your audience, how your business or brand operates. A creatively made video on the inner workings of your business will show off a more human side of your brand and make you more relatable to your audience. It also bring more engagement and views by giving viewers a peek into how your business operates.


(2) COMPANY CULTURE: Creating a video highlighting your company's culture, business goals, values and reason for being, will help you better connect with your audience. It can also focus on the various people who make sure the company works in the way it does.


(3) MARKETING TEAM: A brand is nothing without the people working behind it and that's where these videos come in. These videos will help shine a light on the people who create the products, that the audience knows and loves. This helps create a personal connection with the audience. These individuals can end up becoming mascots for your brand.


(4) PRODUCT SHOWCASE/ANNOUNCEMENT: A product showcase video aims to show the features and benefits of the brand's latest offering to its audience. These short, concise videos can inform the audience about everything they need to know about the new product or service. A product announcement video, on the other hand, can be used to give the audience, a more detailed look into the product or service, than the product showcase. It can include comparisons to older versions or competitors. The aim of such videos is to show customers how the new product works and why they need it.


(5) EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS: These videos can build a hype regarding an upcoming event. Creating an event announcement video will help engage with your audience and build their interest.


(6) EXPLAINER VIDEOS: These videos are aimed to tell users, how a particular product or a service works. These tend to be much more useful, than wall of text explaining how something works. They also have an added advantage of simplifying complex concepts and features to your audience.


(7) TUTORIALS: Tutorial videos give users some actionable insights and knowledge that your users can learn from. These videos are opportunities to share information, hints, tips and tricks when it comes to using a product or concept relating to your industry.


(8) PRODUCT TUTORIAL: A product tutorial video will take your audience through the various features of your product offers, alongside its intricacies. It can also detail some additional insights about your product. You can also explain the best way the product can be used.


(9) WEBINAR: A webinar provides your brand with loads of opportunities to interact with your audience. They are usually very accessible and easy to make. They are also cost effective and can be used as recorded video content after the event is completed.


(10) LIVE STREAMS: Live Streams for an event will help maintain excitement and hype surrounding the event. It can be advertised on other Social Media Platforms to generate some hype as well. These videos can also help you bring up your product in front of a larger audience and at a reduced cost.


(11) AMA OR ASK ME ANYTHING SESSIONS: The AMA or Ask Me Anything Sessions are usually live streams or pre-recorded sessions that feature questions collected from the audience. Although it originated from Reddit, these videos are finding a success on YouTube, thanks to the interactivity that it offers. These sessions can also give your audience the opportunity to interact with you, provide suggestions, feedback and much more.


(12) INTERVIEWS: Interviewing someone interesting or of an authority within your niche can go a long way to grow your audience. These sessions are doubly advantageous too. Firstly, you and by extension, your audience get to interact with an industry stalwart and since this video can be shared on your channel, as well as theirs, you can expose your channel to a brand new audience.


(13) TESTIMONIALS: A testimonial video help highlight the positive feedback from a client or a customer. They provide 'Social Proof' and provide a unique perspective on your products and services. These videos can greatly help improve people's trust on your brand shareability and credibility.


(14) WHITEBOARD VIDEOS: A Whiteboard Video offers your visually attractive way of explaining complex concepts. Usually this involves a trained experts breaking through a complex topic on a whiteboard. Nowadays, there has also been the trend of Digital Whiteboard Videos, all thanks to the visual style and charisma of the narrator.


(15) COMPETITIONS: Competitions or Contest Videos, give your audience the opportunity to get involved with your channel. These videos enable you to generate fresh and original content with little from your end.


(16) LISTS: List Videos are one of the most commonly found content on YouTube. Most users enjoy this type of content due to it being small, easily digestible and bite-sized. These videos can cover a wide range of topics, like, options to choose from the best products techniques and much more. The main advantage of these videos are, they provide users with value, while further involving them with your channel.


(17) CASE STUDIES: Case Studies talk about how your product/service have benefited clients and users. Videos like this can greatly improve relatability and making your brand seem more likable.


(18) TECH UNBOXING: These videos usually involve packages being open for the first time. While these are fairly common for technology, these videos have also found success in fashion apparel. These videos enable the users to experience the products for the first time. Sometimes even helping them decide between rival products.


(19) TECH REVIEWS: With Tech Reviews, you can talk about the various features of a particular product, what you liked about it, what you didn't, its price and other practical information and much more.


(20) REACTION VIDEOS: Reaction Videos are exactly as it's name is suggesting, you giving an emotional reaction to something, like a movie trailer, music video or TV episode. These videos encourage a large amount of engagement from the audience and make your brand seem more relatable.




YouTube is all about subscribers. The number of subscribers you have on YouTube is one of the key metrics to measure success. Also, gaining more subscribers can help you achieve more view counts on your YouTube videos.


Some of the tips that will help you gain more subscribers are:


(1) CREATING AN ENGAGING AND INFORMATIVE CONTENT: If you want to gain more subscribers to your channel, you have to create highly engaging and informative content for your audience.




• Know your audience.


• Engage your viewers with relevant content.


• Plan your video script.


• Ensure to give maximum information to your audience.


• Be clear and use more examples in your content.


• Include sources from high-quality sites.


• Start your video with an interesting hook.


• Always create original content.


• Keep the content flow organised.


• Add visuals to your content and make it appealing.


• Use simple language and crisp sentences.


• Prefer to add cards, end screens and pattern interrupts to engage your audience.


(2) CREATE AND PUBLISH VIDEOS FREQUENTLY: Creating and uploading videos consistently will help you increase your YouTube subscribers. Keeping a fixed frequency of publishing videos can quickly help you get more subscribers.


(3) OPTIMISE YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEOS: Optimising your videos will help your content rank higher on YouTube, which means more audience will watch your video. Audience who tend to interact more with your content, have more chance to subscribe to your channel. To ensure your videos reaches to the relevant audience on YouTube search you need to optimise:


• Title

• Description

• Video tags



• Write a long description with keywords, timestamps and links.

- TIMESTAMPS: With timestamp, audience can choose the section of the video that they want to look for.

- LINKS: Prefer to include relevant link to your other videos.


• Upload a captivating thumbnail.


• Upload a transcript.


• Add start screen and end screen to the YouTube videos.


(4) OPTIMISE YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: One of the easiest way to ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel is by:


(a) Creating a great YouTube channel trailer.

(b) Adding channel keywords, channel description and channel art.

(c) Having sections and playlist on homepage.



• Give your audience a preview of what your channel is offering.


• Hook your audience with your trailer.


• Tell them your release schedule.


• Keep the channel description short and interesting.


• Use keywords in your channel description.


• Pay attention to first 100-150 characters of your channel description, as it's shown next your channel on search results.


• End your description with an appropriate Call-to-Action.


• Pick an interesting channel art.


• Choose a profile picture relevant to your brand.


• Add accurate and relevant channel keywords.


• Feature playlist on your homepage.


• Prefer to add each playlist in a different section.


• Optimize playlists titles and descriptions for search.


• Rearrange videos in a playlist.


• Choose a playlist thumbnail from a top-performing video.


(5) CREATE HIGH-QUALITY VIDEOS: Viewers don't prefer to watch videos that have poor audio and video quality. Some basic tips to create high-quality videos are:




• Avoid any ambient noise in the background.


• Use a good audio recording equipment.


• Watch the input volume meter while you're recording.


• Record 1080p quality videos (HD videos).


• Plan your video script before filming.


• Always use studio lights for video recording.


• Use slow motion and jump cut wisely.


• Setup a green background for recording.


• Stabilize your video recordings with s tripod.


• Shoot horizontal videos.


• Capture a wider shot using clip-on lens.


• Choose a good video editing software.


• At the end, review your work before publishing.


(6) ADD A SUBSCRIBER WATERMARK TO YOUR VIDEOS: YouTube has a feature of adding a watermark that could be shown on all your videos. This way, you can keep reminding your audience to subscribe to your channel.




STEP 1: Log in to your YouTube account.


STEP 2: At the top right corner of the page, select your Creator Studio icon.


STEP 3: In the left menu, go to channel and select branding.


STEP 4: Finally, add a Watermark to your video.


(7) ENGAGE WITH YOUR AUDIENCE: Interact with your audience as much as possible. When you interact with your viewers immediately, they get gratification at being responded to, and there are high chances where your viewers are likely to become subscribers.




• At the end of every video, ensure to convey a thank you message to your viewers.


• Ask your audience for their feedback or ideas on the video.


• Look at the criticism and learn from your mistakes.


• Create videos based on your commenters' request.


• Ask questions to your audience and reward excellent commenters.


• Impress your viewers by giving hearts (emoji) to your favourite comments.


• Find ways to reward your community (both on and off YouTube) for their engagement and support.


• Prefer to host live streams and interact with the audience.


• Create videos for subscribers, (subscribers can get impressed when a channel dedicates a video for them).


• Captivate your viewers by uploading interesting YouTube stories.


(8) PROMOTE YOUR VIDEOS ON DIFFERENT PLATFORMS: Promoting your videos on different platforms has been around for many years. Also, it is a proven strategy to increase your YouTube subscribers. Perform a research and discover different ways to identify and connect with your audience on different platforms.




• Interact with your audience on Social Media Platforms.


• Participate in forums and blog discussions.


• Please your video in relevant and reputable directories.


• Refer testimonial link building.


• Opt for Influencer Marketing.


• Earn backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites.


• Take advantage of E-mail Marketing by adding your YouTube link in e-mail signature.


• Bookmark your videos on popular bookmarking sites.


• Collaborate with other YouTube channels.


• Join high PR Q&A sites and post answers to the questions related to your videos like Quora.


• Embed videos in your blog posts.


• Promote other videos in your end screen.




There are various ways that you can make money with YouTube. But, it depends on how strong your subscriber base is and how many views you get on your channel.


• If you are qualified, then you can participate in Google's AdSense program, which means that you can get revenue from ads being placed before or during your videos when people watch them. This works very well and many publishers on YouTube get a significant revenue stream through this channel.


• You can also try to get sponsorships for your channel. This can take the form of brand or product sponsorship for which you will get paid.


• You can also look into Affiliate Marketing, with this you can advertise products from your affiliate partners on your channel. You would get a percentage of the sales that comes in through your channel and finally if people like your videos, then, they may commission you to make videos for them.


As mentioned earlier, you need to have a strong channel to qualify for Google's AdSense program, which means you need to have at least 4000 watch hours in the previous 12 month and 1000 subscribers to sign up for AdSense.


You need to go to the old version of Creative Studio and click on channel and monetization. You can set the monetization preferences and which video you want to run the ads with. If you qualify, google will then approve your request and you are ready to start earning money with YouTube.