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Perusal Tech Pvt Ltd
  • 01 May, 2021


(1) ELEMENT 1— DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY : The ultimate goal of your digital marketing campaign is to drive the revenue. “How” is still the question many marketers fail to understand and this needs to be answered clearly. Likewise, a successful digital marketing strategy begins with identifying and setting up the goals. Your marketing goals should align with your business goals. For eg., Do you want to shorten the sales cycle or are you aiming to drive brand awareness or to increase customers’ satisfaction? A wonderful way to estimate your impact is by establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A few tried-and-true examples are: sales qualified leads, social media engagement, lead conversions and website visits. KPIs helps you in planning your campaigns and tactics with greater insight when they are based on a combination of your historical marketing performance and the goals of your new campaigns.

(2) ELEMENT 2 — SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY : Social media plays a pivotal role in your marketing strategy. Research shows that it not only works for B2C marketing, but also B2B, because a growing number of business people use social media in their purchase decision process. To boost your social media strategy, you need to determine which platforms will work best for your business. There is no “one size fits all” with social media.

(3) ELEMENT 3 — SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION : Yet another most powerful element and tool is SEO. It lets you summon and improve the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. The higher you place in search engine rankings, the better chance you have of success executing your digital marketing plan. For this, you have to consider the type of search terms your potential buyers would use when searching for what you have to offer. You can strategically create content around those terms in your website, infographics, eBooks, how-to guides and blog posts, once you have gathered a list of keyword search terms.

(4) ELEMENT 4 — CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) : Yours customers are the oxygen to your business. As we all know business is all about customers, as we are existing in the 1st place because of them and for them. They’re everything you’ve been working to find, nurture and convert. But you also have to retain them. This means you have to manage them well. Enter Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These systems give you one central place from which to communicate with and better understand your customers. Ideally, you CRM system should empower you to perform several functions, including maintain a central list of information on your leads and customers, track all conversations with customers across your entire team and better understand the effectiveness of your sales efforts.

(5) ELEMENT 5 — CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION (CRO) : It is a process of getting more conversions from your existing traffic. For example, instead of getting a 1% conversion rate, you can make changes in certain elements of your campaigns—such as content, button size, image and placement—that boost your conversion rate by 2-3 percent. CRO is more cost effective method than finding new visitors, minimises the risk of attracting the wrong kinds of visitors, and delivers the opportunity to achieve a better content marketing ROI.

(6) ELEMENT 6 — CONTENT MARKETING : A high-quality content very much revolves around your digital marketing plan which includes, e-books, blog posts, case studies, infographics and a lot more. Consider your content as the fuel that makes the magic happen. Delivering the proper content to the right place and at the right time is crucial to any digital success. Nowadays, consumers are empowered to seek out high-quality digital resources and experiences that lead to better, more informed decision-making. There’s no reason for people to visit some website or social media sites or read its emails, until and unless that company is producing a wide variety of interesting original content. When creating content for your website keep this axiom in mind : Today’s buyers want companies to help facilitate the buying process by providing the information needed to make a wise decision.

(7) ELEMENT 7 — MARKETING AUTOMATION : It’s nearly impossible to execute a successful digital marketing in 2021 without marketing automation. These systems permits you to run multiple campaigns, manage a high volume of content, design email campaigns, create landing pages, track website visitors, interact with sales teams and much more. Marketing automation systems provide several essential benefits, including allowing marketers to customize their campaigns based on various target audiences, sales cycles, promotions and strategic planning updates.

(8) ELEMENT 8 — WEBSITES : Your website is the most essential and vital piece of your digital marketing campaign. If it’s designed keeping in mind the maximum impact, it will make your marketing more effective. In today’s online world, your website must be responsive to any device, publish relevant and up-to-date content, clearly communicate your company’s values, include product-specific landing pages for PPC efforts and integrate with customer relationship management and marketing automation tools. Thus, websites need to be maintained carefully.

(9) ELEMENT 9 — VALUE-BASED MESSAGING : What is the core message your company or brand needs to communicate to your leads, prospects and customers? This will be the beating heart of your digital marketing program. Before you’re creating any content, you should be crystal clear on your company’s value messaging, as it is going to be the foundation on which you strategize your digital marketing plan. Your digital marketing content should speak to the needs of potential buyers and introduce them to the value of your product or service. To be heard in our congested space, your message needs to retain a consistent voice and tone. This will support your success by building a following, inspiring consumer loyalty and strengthening connections with customers.

(10) ELEMENT 10 — ONLINE ADS : You just cannot expect customers to flock towards your website as soon as you release the product. Organic reach is quite worthy, but paid advertisements like Google AdWords and other display ads, has their own benefits and are also way powerful to gain exposure.

Some reasons behind investing in paid ads include: paying only when an interested individual clicks on an ad, reaching targeted audience through the right channels, gaining immediate results and controlling your expending budget.

(11) ELEMENT 11 — BUYER PERSONAS : Firstly you need to create your buyer personas, right before you begin to create your digital marketing programs. These will brilliantly guide your content strategy – from what type of content you create, to what you say, to how you promote it. Every audience is different from one another, so you need to know what fears keep them up at night, what they are held accountable for, what factors motivate them and what media they consume. The more details you know, the more narrowly you can focus on your campaigns and the better results you’ll tend to get.

(12) ELEMENT 12 — SALES ENABLEMENT : It is concerned with equipping sales reps with a steady flow of qualified leads and the tools that are needed to convert them into potential buyers or customers. Unless you’re only selling in online stores, all of your digital marketing efforts should be centered on producing leads for your sales team and allowing them to sell with the exact automated solutions and content to execute their magic.

(13) ELEMENT 13 — VIDEOS : A thorough research from multiple sources point’s towards the direction of the power of video in influencing a successful digital marketing campaign. A lot of experts anticipate that videos are soon going to take the leading position in content that has the power to attract and convert consumers. By implementing video in your digital marketing strategy, you gain an effective way to present your company’s values, your products’ features and your brand message in ways that people want and expect to receive it.

(14) ELEMENT 14 — EMAIL MARKETING : Email Marketing is considered as King nowadays as it is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your targeted audiences. Whether your goal is to develop relationships with your customers, generate leads, convert prospects or achieve any other objective, email marketing is the most effective way to succeed. A solid digital marketing campaign needs a strong email strategy that achieves several important goals: educating and informing prospective buyers with new content, driving traffic to your website, building your credibility, ensuring your brand stays top-of-mind, and establishing your company as a thought leader.

(15) ELEMENT 15 — ANALYTICS : The final element of successful digital marketing is conducting analytics on your results and tweaking your process to gain improvements in meeting your revenue goals and KPIs. In fact, one of the most valuable elements of having a digital marketing strategy is that you can continually monitor the outcomes and optimize your strategy. There are several analytics tools that can assist you in tracking your marketing progress. With the right information in hand, you’ll be able to plan and execute your strategies with precision—and maximize your ROI.


(1) SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING : This consists of everything a business do via social media platforms. Nowadays, almost every other person is familiar with social media, thus, marketers must approach audiences with an integrated and strategic approach. Social media marketing goes far beyond simply creating posts for social channels and responding to comments. To be an effective business in the market for a long term, efforts must be coordinated and consistent. To help keep posts consistent, there are many online tools available to automate and schedule social media posts, although marketers only should use automation as a tool, not a “set it and forget it” solution. Users will figure it out quickly if there is no real person behind the posts. Social media marketers need to work with the company’s wider marketing team to coordinate their message across all the platforms, online as well as offline, so that every part of the brand is telling the same story.

A crucial part of social media marketing is analytics : Social media marketers must also be savvy at analysing the performance of their posts, and creating strategies based on that data. Another reason for marketers to be consistently measuring and tracking their campaigns is that this data allows marketers to demonstrate to business leadership that their efforts are driving users to engage with the brand and eventually converting users into potential customers, therefore providing value to the company.

In other words, social media marketing is a lot more complicated than managing your personal Facebook or Twitter profile. It requires a blend of creative thinking and objective, data-driven strategy, and may be a great fit for professionals who enjoy blending these two disciplines.

(2) CONTENT MARKETING : This uses storytelling and information sharing to increase brand awareness. Ultimately, the goal is to have the reader take an action towards becoming a customer, such as requesting more information, signing up for an email list, or making a purchase. “Content” includes blog posts, resources like white papers and e-books, digital video, podcasts, and much more. In general, it should first and foremost provide valuable information to the consumer and not just advertise the brand or try to make a sale.

Content marketing works in symbiosis with other types of digital marketing : It is a way to incorporate SEO search terms into fresh website content, and the content created can be shared as social media posts and in email marketing publications. Looking at the analytics for your content marketing can tell you a lot about your customers : What are they looking for when they land on your site? What kinds of content make them stay on the site longer and keep looking around? What kinds make them lose interest and navigate away?

Content library also helps in promoting knowledge of your brand and increases your profile as a resource for information. And, if users are visiting your site for information, ideally they will remember you as an authority when it’s time to make a purchase.

Content marketing is a great avenue for people who enjoy writing and/or video and audio production. But as with digital marketing in general, it also calls for strong strategic and analytic skills.

(3) MARKETING ANALYTICS : One of the most impressive quality of digital marketing is that it is highly trackable and measurable. Once, the only trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers. If a customer used the coupon, you knew the message resonated. Today, analytics allow marketers to track user behavior at a highly detailed level : how many times they click on a link, how much time they spend on a web page, how often they open emails, and much more. But the vast amount of information available about digital marketing performance can feel like drinking from a fire hose, and marketers must be able to truly understand what the data mean and how they should inform strategy.

Not only does this allow marketers to learn what is successful with consumers and adapt their marketing messages moving forward, it also means they can demonstrate their value to the company. Understanding all of this data and using it to make strategic decisions is an important part of a digital marketer’s work, and one that sets them apart from their traditional counterparts.

There are many tools available for measuring the success of digital marketing campaigns, and many marketers will use some combination of these tools, depending on their needs and their audience. One of the most used tools for marketing analytics is Google Analytics, which can be customized in nearly endless ways to measure how your site is performing, which keywords are bringing users to your site, how users are navigating through your website, and much more. Having good, accurate analytics and the know-how to interpret them can help marketers “fail fast,” quickly cutting campaigns that aren’t working and building better campaigns around concepts that have a proven track record of success. Over time, you won’t just be using analytics to measure your campaigns – the analytics will also inform and improve your campaigns.

(4) PAY-PER-CLICK (PPC) : It refers to paid advertisements and promoted search engine results. PPC is a short-term form of digital marketing, meaning that if you stopped paying, the ad no longer will exist. Alike SEO, PPC is a way to increase search traffic to a business online. Pay-per-click can refer to the advertisements you see at the top and sides of a page of search results, the ads you see while browsing the web, ads before YouTube videos and in ads in mobile apps.

One of the other things that differentiates PPC from SEO is that you only pay for the results. In a typical PPC model like a Google AdWords campaign, you will pay only when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website. You can spend just about any amount of money on pay-per-click advertising.

How much it costs to run an ad or promote your search results will depend primarily on how much competition there is for your keywords. High competition keywords (i.e. keywords that many people are searching for and that many sites are trying to be found for) will be more expensive and lower competition terms will likely cost less. When you set up a pay-per-click campaign, you will also be able to choose whether you want your ad or promoted results to be shown to users all over the world, or only within a specific geographic area.

(5) MOBILE MARKETING : It means reaching your target audience on their smart phone or tablet. Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as when a customer walks into a store or enters an event. Marketers know that you need to take your message to where you customers are, and in this era it is very clear : your potential customers are on their phones.

(6) SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) : The main aim of SEO is to get your business to rank the highest in Google search results, by increasing search engine traffic to the businesses’ website in the long run. To attain this, SEO marketers, research words and phrases, consumers are using to search for information online, and use those terms in their own content. It is important to understand that one of the things that makes SEO challenging is always dependent on Google and its most current algorithm. Keeping this thing in mind, here are a few of the most important things for SEO strategists and marketers in general to understand about how SEO works today :

• CONTENT INDEXING – It is important to allow search engines to clearly “read” what your site content is, by doing things like adding alt text for images and text transcripts for video and audio content.

• GOOD LINK STRUCTURE – It is important that search engines can “crawl” your site structure to easily find all the content on your site. There are many things that an SEO specialist can do to properly format links, URLs, and sitemaps to make them most accessible to site crawlers.

• KEYWORDS AND KEYWORD TARGETING – Properly deploying your keywords – i.e. the search terms you want your site to be found for—in your content and headers is one of the fundamental building blocks of SEO. It is no longer good practice to “stuff” your content with as many keywords and keyword variations as possible. Writing high-quality content that uses keywords in the headers and a few times in the crawl-able page content is now considered better practice, and will make pages rank better in search results.

(7) EMAIL MARKETING : Even in a world where social media, mobile applications and other channels plays a vital role, E-mail is still among one of the most effective marketing techniques. Email marketing pros not only know how to create compelling campaigns, they also understand optimal audience outreach and are skilled at analysing customer interactions and data, and making strategic decisions based on that data. Email marketing software can offer many different analytical measures, but two that marketers are always striving to improve are the open rate – the percentage of recipients who opened the email – and the click through rate – the number of recipients who opened the email and clicked on a link in the email. There are many things marketers can do to make their emails more appealing to users and more likely to be opened. These include :

• CREATE A SENSE OF URGENCY – Writing email copy that lets your recipients know that time is running out to get a special deal or that there are only a limited number of the offer available, can increase the number of people clicking through to your website.

• PERSONALIZE YOUR EMAIL – Setting your emails and subject lines up to incorporate the recipient’s name is a proven way to increase open and click through rates.

• LET RECIPIENTS SET THEIR PREFERENCES – Allowing users to specify how often they want to hear from you can help keep some of your email subscribers subscribed to your list and clicking on your emails.

* Checkout our previous "DIGITAL MARKETING (1)" blog to learn more about Digital Marketing.