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Perusal Tech Pvt Ltd
  • 30 May, 2021



BLACK HAT SEO, as the name suggests is a black-unethical type of SEO, which refers to a set of practices, that goes against the search engine guidelines. These are used to boost rank of a site or page, but, at the same time violates the terms of search engine. These practices can result in the site being banned from the search engine and affiliate sites. It ignores the searcher intent and attempt to bypass best practices by cheating the system and gaining search visibility through unscrupulous practices.






(1) BUYING LINKS : A high-quality and relevant link drives traffic to your domain. It also let Google algorithm believe that you're a trustworthy source. Other than this, a fine backlink help Google to have a better idea about your website, which makes it easier to serve you up as search result.


On the contrary, it is known to be as unscrupulous practice and is against Google's guidelines. You can get an automatic and manual penalty, if being caught. Google track such links.


(2) FREE PRODUCTS FOR LINKS : Whether you’re giving or taking, exchanging free products (or discounts) for links is considered a link scheme by Google.


To not be considered a link scheme, make it a no-follow link, which is a link with a rel=“nofollow” tag. A no-follow link ensures that the link doesn’t impact the search engine’s ranking algorithm.


(3) HIDDEN LINKS : Deceptively hidden links are a violation of Google’s guidelines. That means :


• No hiding text behind an image.

• No keeping text off-screen using CSS.

• No using a font size of 0.

• No making one little character, like a period, a link.


In case Google notices this, which it will, they penalize you for trying to game the system. Additionally, if you include enough irrelevant links, you’ll give Google less reason to direct traffic to your target audience since you’ll be diluting your relevance.


(4) OVERUSED ANCHOR TEXT : It may make sense to match your page’s title every time you share a link to it because the title is what your page is about, and consistency could imply relevancy. But from Google’s perspective, this is also what it would look like spamming.


Instead, you should make your anchor text brief, relevant to the linked-to page, not stuffed with keywords, and unique. This makes sense given that this is what anchor text would look like if the link were a natural part of its surroundings. This rule holds for both internal and external links.




(1) KEYWORD STUFFING : Since SEO is all about Keywords, so, it only takes a set of them to be ranked as number one. But, on the contrary, Google also wants to deliver higher-quality, content-rich keyword result.


Therefore, the algorithm is more likely to provide high-quality content instead of content that simply bears the superficial markings of high-quality content.


(2) ARTICLE SPINNING : It is a technique that involves re-writing content by substituting synonyms, changing sentence structure, or re-writing text entirely while communicating the same information as the source material. Article spinning can be done either manually or using technology.


While automated article spinning has advanced to the point where the articles are readable, Google will still penalize you for spun articles. And for a good reason: spun articles degrade the quality of the internet.


(3) KEYWORD STUFFING IN ALT TEXT : You might think that alt-tags are a no harm opportunity to use as many keywords as possible, but stuffing in this context can also hurt your site’s rankings.


You’d also be misusing alt tags and, as a result, doing yourself and your site’s visitors a disservice. Alt tags are :


• Read aloud to visually impaired users by screen readers.

• What gets displayed if an image file cannot be loaded.

• Helpful to search engines trying to understand images.


(4) HACKED WEBSITE : If your website gets attacked or injected with malicious code and Google finds out, they can block your website for people using their search engine. Not only will this cause you to lose the trust of anybody who visits your site from organic search, but it will cause your website to drop in the rankings just like a Penguin or Panda penalty would.


While it’s true you may receive a notification through Google Analytics that your site has been hacked, it still could mean a real penalty for your website in search results if Google knows your site contains malicious code.


Other Black Hat Tactics include :


(1) Cloaking

(2) Doorway Pages

(3) Link Farming

(4) Spamming in Comments

(5) Incorrect Redirects

(6) Overly Optimised Pages

(7) Abusing Structured Data/Rich Snippets

(8) Private Blog Networks (PBN)

(9) Negative SEO

(10) Guest Posting Networks




(1) It can lower your search rankings or even cause a site to vanish from search results entirely, as it is against the terms of search engine guidelines.


(2) Results are for short-term basis only as black hat strategies exploit loopholes in search guidelines, the results earned through the tactics will disappear once the loophole is fixed.


(3) It typically results in a poor user experience, as Google is not necessarily trying to rank sites that had done best SEO, but rather deliver a decent or at least an experience people were happy with.




(1) A good website operator must serve its users with rich user experience from search engine to site. You must avoid "cloaking" or tricking search engine crawlers by redirecting them to another page.


(2) Always try to write a fine quality original content that avoids keyword stuffing. Never scrape, duplicate or reword content that belongs to others.


(3) Stick by the rules during adding structured data to your website. Ensure any schema markup you add is accurate and not misleading to users.


(4) Never buy or sell links. Providing or distributing free products in the exchange for links is also prohibited.


(5) Avoid setting up a private blog network for the purpose of getting links. Differentiate your website and content so people link to you naturally.


(6) Stay updated on webmaster guidelines so that you can avoid black hat tactics prohibited by search engines.




2 possible scenarios may occur in which you are going to report black hat SEO tactics :


(1) The first could be when your website is attacked by a malicious hacker, virus or negative SEO activity involving spam links.


(2) Another could be when interlinked black hat techniques find spam ridden Web results for a competitive keyword that your website ranks on.


To tackle these, you need to file a webspam report using Google Search Central. Making false reports of competitor pages is also considered a black hat technique.


If a virus or malware has attacked your website, you can request a malware review once you’ve eliminated the malicious code.


In case the website is a target of negative SEO campaigns, use the Disavow Links Tool in Google Search Central once you contact the Webmasters pointing such links to your website to get them removed.




(1) Quick and easy methods to generate revenue and ranking for the website.


(2) Less competition due to the unethical nature.


(3) The fastest way to reach short-term goals for any websites.




(1) Unethical and illegal practice.


(2) Bans and penalises the website.


(3) Open to hacking and risks as there is no good regulation and checking of backlinks.


(4) Target audience may spread negative opinions, which in turn is going to affect the reputation.




Though it drives crazy traffic to your website, it is also a not-so-legal practice to execute. People using Black Hat Tactics must be careful as it leads to huge penalties or even worse, the elimination of the Website. One must know the downfalls of using it and they should know the destructive length of such kind of fraudulent practices.